Thai Green Curry Bowl

Thai Green Curry Bowl

Green curry is just a flavorful as it looks.  It can be really spicy, or mild, depending on what you use to make it green.  We've given you a few options below:

- 1/8 tsp of curry powder
- 2 tsp of coconut milk or coconut cream
- 6 leaves of fresh basil
- 1 broth bag of Millie's Thai Lemongrass Sipping Broth
- 8 ounces of boiling water
- optional 1 slice of jalapeno pepper (for a spicier experience)

1) Steep 1 Millie's Thai Lemongrass broth bag in 8 ounces of boiling water for at least 4 minutes.  Make sure to squeeze the broth bag to get all the flavor out.

2) Add all the other ingredients into a blender with the steeped broth.  Blend until everything is combined.

3) Garnish with basil leaf or chili powder for a spicier experience. Enjoy right away.

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